Wednesday, February 13, 2008

At the Hunting Land

This is one of my favorites. I love looking into the trees almost expecting to find a knight in shining armor come charging up on his white steed. Then I hear Don coming up on the four wheeler.

This was near at the campsite.

Ok... so I arranged this one on a trunk that had been sawed down. It is still pretty. The near perfect leaf.

This one is my favorite out of ALL of them. It looks like a leg that needs moisturiser very badly!

We went to the hunting land today to get 2 of Don's climber/stands. We took hot dogs to cook inside our camper. I wore my white with pink heart long john shirt I wore last year when we did this only it was much warmer this year. I did not have to wear long johns under my pants this time. It became a photo op for me as you can see... and this is not all of the photos! Rhett was driving the 4 wheeler with Don sitting side saddle on it. Then my 9 year old Rhett drove me back to camp so I could start lunch. My baby is growing up on me. Later Rhett got to drive it back to camp which wasn't very far while I drove the monster truck behind him which I managed to get stuck & had to put it in 4 wheel drive to get off a stump!

When we were headed to get the 2nd stand, fallen trees blocked out path. Don tried to pull them with the 4 wheeler. His strap kept breaking. I think it broke 4-5 times. He had to walk back to the truck to get a sturdier strap. What he needed an axe or bet yet a chain saw. He had to cut some saplings down. I had to get on the 4 wheeler for him to pull the trees. I goosed it. For once he wanted me to be slow instead of aggressive and I was aggressive. I heard him say, "Stop!" then "Whoa!" then "Ouch!" When I turned around he had his hand over his eye. I thought I'd put his eye out, but the sapling slapped him on his cheek. I thought he might have a black eye because of it. I could just hear him telling folks I gave him a black eye...

Rhett got to drive around the campsite 3 times by himself. Now I am sure he will want to drive it all the time. It was a wonderful day that we spent together and survived. One we will always remember and treasure. I have the pictures to prove it.Posted by Picasa

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