Monday, July 7, 2008

Odd Shot Monday 7/7/08


I found it very difficult to take firework photos with my digital camera during Thunder on the Hooch on the 4th of July. I had the camera aimed, but this is what I got. I thought it was neat and odd so I knew it would be my Odd Shot for today. It is funny... what I would normally delete, I now save for this activity. Thus making me a packrat where my photos are concerned and not just inside my house. Hope you all had a great holiday as did we.

If you would like to participate in Odd Shot Monday, please go to the following...
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becky aka theRAV said...

That was a neat & cute description, DiXymiss. Thanks for your comment which made me smile. I have probably watched too many of those episodes myself! LOL

Unknown said...

Now, that is really odd!

Dragonstar said...

I like the look of that. I agree - I keep weird pics now "just in case".

Paulie said...

Oh! I had several of those I could use for this too! lol Come and see what I did use instead.