Monday, July 21, 2008

Odd Shot Monday 7/21/08


Sometimes it pays to drive over to the other side of town and see what life is like there. I wasn't sure if you could tell what this was so I will tell you. After we dropped off the computer for repair, we took Don's cell phone to Alltel. There was a Krispy Kreme across it's parking lot. Rhett loves doughnuts. I asked him if he'd like to walk over there instead of driving so we'd save a bit of gas. He said "YES!" really fast. As soon as I stepped inside, I saw this and knew I had to take a photo of it. It is their neon sign only it wasn't lit up in daylight so it looked odd, but neat to me. Now is that what you guessed?

If you would like to participate in Odd Shot Mondday, please go to the following...

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Unknown said...

Nice catch for odd shots, Odd for sure!

becky aka theRAV said...

Thanks John and DiXymiss. DiXymiss you are too funny.

Diane said...

GREAT odd shot Becky! It is really cool, and I would not have guessed what it was...especially since I don't have my glasses on ~ again! LOL....

Lilli & Nevada said...

nope but it certainly is odd

Paulie said...

I recognize a doughnut and a bar AFYER you told us what kind of a place it was. lol

Anonymous said...

I thought those dots were flys at first then saw they were the fixing clips for the neon tube.
Very good choice in the odd object category whereas I usted a pic that was sort of the odd one out.

Dragonstar said...

I thought it was a glass sculpture! Looks most Odd without the light on.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you can really find treasures there! Hope you are having a great day!

becky aka theRAV said...

Thanks, Diane. I keep misplacing my glasses. I guess I need one of those rope thingies but figure it would make me feel old if I wore it. LOL. Thanks Lillie & Nevada for stopping by. Yeah, I did give it away, didnt' I, Paulie? Aileni, that is so funny you thought they were flies then I went back to look again & could see why you though that. I saw flies too. Thanks Dragonstar & for the people for you comments. Glad ya'll like this one.

dot said...

Neat shot! I never would have guessed it in a million years.

becky aka theRAV said...

Thanks, Dot. I probably would not have guessed it either.