Knotty Pine
Just in time
for Halloween...
It paid to go to the ob/gyn today.... I parked in a shadey spot and spied faces in the naughty knotty pine fencing. The first photo I took I am saving for Halloween, since I seem to have a running series of shots for this special holiday. This is the verse I came up with when I saw it so I decided to go ahead and use it lest I forget it. I thought it was rather odd I would see such a face as I did here today, but I am indeed thankful I did. Sorry I couldn't get the photo to turn. Hope you don't get your neck stuck trying to view it.
Had a good hair day and a good check up today too. No more worries.
What did you find odd today? If you would like to participate in Odd Shot Monday, please go to the following...
Looks liek a duck with its "lips" pursed!!!!!! Great catch!
Funny the faces we see. I look forward to the Halloween one.
Great odd shot! LOL
Thanks Paulie. Yes, DiXymiss, I saw 2 faces also. Katney I can't wait to upload ALL my Halloween photos! Thank you so much, John. Coming from you, I know I did good.
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