Monday, October 6, 2008

In a Pickle with a Face Odd Shot

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I had several odd shots to pick from this week, but I decided on this one....

Over a week ago now, I went to have routine bloodwork done at the doctors office on the opposite end of town which took awhile. Afterwards, I decided to get a world famous scrambled dog from Dinglewood pharmacy for lunch. In case you don't know what a scrambled dog is, I will tell you... It is an open faced bun with a hot dog weinie, chili, pickles, oyster crackers, mustard & ketchup. They will add cheese or slaw if you so desire, but I get onions on mine instead of those last two items. So I brought it back to work along with one for my co-worker. When I opened the container, I noticed one of my pickles had a face! And of course I had to take a picture of it. This is not the first time I have had a face on my pickle or on my cucumbers especially in the last month or so. It made it feel like a happy meal. And the meal made me very happy. Even when I tasted it later in the afternoon. LOL. When Don saw this photo yesterday he cracked up which cinched it with me.

If you would like to participate in Odd Shot Monday, please go to the following:
Happy Monday!


becky aka theRAV said...

That's funny DiXymiss. I am glad he wasn't a sour puss either. I'll check your's out...

Katney said...

Well, I thought the whole thing looked a bit like a face. Glad I read and saw the little pickle face eye.

PERBS said...

This is too funny! You and dixiemiss have great minds because you think alike. I saw "eyes" in a tree one time but I can't remember where or when now. Good choice for today! I am late because I was so tired I took a nap after doing errands that had to be done today. Thanks for dropping by.

Carletta said...

That is too funny! I laughed at 'Happy Meal!'

becky aka theRAV said...

Thanks, Katney. Yes, Paulie, I think DiXyMiss & I are two peas in a pod as far as these odd shots goes. Or she is my soul sister. Your nap sounds tempting as I just ate good lunch. Thank you for dropping by & commenting. I thought the "happy meal" was funny too, Carletta.