Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Office Supervisor

3/12/07 The "supervisor" came out to the prison again today. I guess I wasn't very friendly towards her. I was working on my computer. Maybe I use the computer as an excuse to hide behind. I cannot pretend to be fake and fall all over someone when I don't mean it, especially when I don't like them as a person or respect them.

She tried to be The Office Supervisor while she was there. Sort of threatened the secretary by saying, "Things will change when I get back." We were in shock that she would say that. But nothing she does or says should surprise us now. If she does come back, I can see that things will not be any better than before. I hate that I waste my time, energy, paper and ink on her. I know I should not let her have that power over me.

Caught up some on my blog today. Still days and days behind myself. Will I ever catch up to myself. What will I do when I meet myself?

Got camel riders from the SpeakEasy Pub. Have not had those in good while. I am running out of ideas for food to eat. Suggestions are always welcome.... Hint. Hint.

On the way to the SpeakEasy, we thought we saw a car crashed in between trees. Knew my cell phone wasn't working. Asked to use the phone at the Pub. One of the waiters handed me his fancy cell phone to call 911. I didn't know how to shut it off. I am so behind the times.

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