Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Haven't Lost My Touch

3/4/07 Just another day at work. Had a rough day because one of the other ladies was out. Supervisor is still out. The transfers were left up to me and I am not accustomed to doing them. One of the counselors helped me. The rest of the week is a blur of inmate accounts and other new duties taken on since the "supervisor" is out on "sick" leave.

The other lady brought me back shrimp from Capt D's please which was good. Again I am grateful... for my tastebuds working today.

I got one of the officers good... Mason was telling the secretary to make sure she spelled his name correctly. I said, "It's j-a-c-k..." and everyone laughed. I haven't lost my touch. They couldn't believe I said it. I still have my moments. That was one of them. I'll probably have another in a month or so...

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