Monday, March 9, 2009

Odd But Cute Display

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I had to take Aunt Pearl to Winn Dixie after work last week to get a few groceries. When I saw this display, told her to hang on a minute while I took the photo. It is an early Easter reminder. Odd but cute. Then Rhett and I were in Piggly Wiggly getting momma some corn meal for corn bread when he saw an exact replica of it. He couldn't believe I'd already seen it. I wondered if someone saw it at Winn Dixie and copied it at Piggly Wiggly or vice versa?

If you would like to participate in Odd Shot Monday, please go to Katney's blog at the following:

1 comment:

becky aka theRAV said...

LOl DiXymiss! You are too funny. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Thanks. Glad you thought my odd shot was cute.