Monday, March 30, 2009

Ice Cream Cone?


I had to go back in search of an odd shot. I could have used one from our snow day where the children's outside "play pen" at church was sitting in the snow. The only color that was visible was the green on a door. That color in itself would have been the oddity. Instead I picked this one. I'd passed the construction long before the snow came. It is part of a church building. It was hard taking this photo on a very busy road. I pulled in the back parking lot of a tanning place I no longer frequent because they gave me the wrong accelerator to use that had me feeling like my skin was on fire and burning. I had to go to my mom's to take a quick bath. This was not a good thing when you have literally been burned over 20 percent of your face and front torso by your overheated raditor! Anyway, the coloring of the plywood used here reminds me of an ice cream cone. Don't you agree?

If you would like to participate in Odd Shot Monday, please visit Katney at the following....

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raf said...

Ice cream cones are In today on Odd Shots, Good one, Rav!

PERBS said...

If it didn't have all that insulation on it, I might agree. . . Ü I have an odd shot but I didn't really join the group today so no logo there.

Dragonstar said...

Oh yes, great! It looks like an outsize version of my table!

becky aka theRAV said...

Hi RAF! Yes, ice cream cones were in for Odd Shots. Thanks. Paulie, the white part reminded me of the paper around an ice cream cone. I liked your description, Dragonstar. Thanks for all your comments.