Wednesday, September 12, 2007


9/11/07 Lest we forget...

I can see the not so obvious patterns in my life where God has His hand on me. I was channel surfing since "Kyle XY" was not on tv last night. I came across a Christian broadcast where Alan Jackson's wife, Denise was discussing her new book entitled Its All About Him: Finding Love in My Life which I would like to read. The book also has a cd with two songs by Alan. One he sang to her at their wedding (sigh) and one he wrote specifically for this book. I need to remind Elisa about it since her reading group at her church led me to a good one Higher Calling which I wrote about in a previous post.

I'd also received a free religious cd from the American Bible Society in yesterday's mail but it is not going to be one of my favorites. I may give it as a gift.

Then Don finally said what I needed to hear from him.

I think someone is trying to tell me something... I see the religious patterns here.

What patterns did you see in your life today?
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