Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What I am NOT grateful for...

Today I am NOT grateful... that my right shoulder is bothering me again! I have not done anything to make it hurt. Its like a dull throb - just enought to be annoying. Don't want to take any Alleve until after I eat lunch. I really did not want to start the day out complaining either especially when I have had several good laughs of the day. One really good belly laugh. (see below...)

I passed the prison dr in the hall. He asked how my shoulder was doing. Funny he should ask today... He asked me if noticed if my shoulder hurt when it was cold or rainy. Hasn't crossed my mind in the least. I certainly haven't paid any attention to such details. He told me to start keeping a log or diary of it. He doesn't know who he is talking to, does he?

So today my shoulder hurts. It is a cold, dreary day. I am wearing different shades of brown today. I am multi-tonal blah but don't really feel blah.

What color are you feeling?

Today I am grateful... I received an email from my friend Jimmy yesterday telling me about his new house. I am grateful... he and i have not lost our sense of humor. I am grateful for... friends who make me laugh.

I learned a new term today... "Boodie Do"... Its when your tummy sticks out further than your boodie do! That was my belly laugh of the day. Get it?

I'm a keeper according to my friends Sabrina, Kim and Mike E (so far so good). You're a keeper. All my real friends are keepers. We are all kept.

Quotes of the day:

(This might be THE perfect Valentine quote.)
Once in a awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life,
Love gives us a fairy tale.

This one is dedicated to my friend, Diane in Kansas:
Sharing meals with friends and family is one of life's premier pleasures - especially if you're a Red Hatter.
~Sue Ellen Cooper, the Exalted Queen Mother of the Red Hats Society

Later in the afternoon my supervisor told one of the new officers that I was 50 now. He just whispered, "Not to worry - I am 56." I was NOT grateful at all for the telling of my age! I told her rather loudly that she did not have to tell it. It really made me mad. I was mad as a Hatter without a red hat! I am not ready to be this old. I do not need someone reminding me of my age, muchless telling others how old I am! She just laughed her way back into her office like she had really done something well. Is there no end to this woman? If I wrote a book about her, it would be entitled Janet's Antics. It wouldn't be pretty. I keep hearing my mother's voice asking me, "Why do you let this woman get to you?" I just do. Yes, Abby, this replays over and over for me too.

As long as you're going to think anyway, think BIG. -Donald Trump-
"and comb your hair funny... " as my friend Mike E said!

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