Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Great Deal To Be Thankful For

I have a great deal to be thankful for this week. First of all, I am oh SO lucky to have a husband who can do just about anything! I am so very thankful he was able to fix the air conditioning problem in my car. He said it was the fan and it was. It didn't cost an arm and a leg either. He did it all himself. Lynn, I didn't have to lay hands on it and pray over it either as you suggested last week! LOL Now it stays on the N in Normal and is not running hot so I can have cool air again. YEAH!!!! He told me I owe him for the labor. I gave him a big smooch!

I am thankful we got everything ready for VBS. We were working up until the last minute. Please read my previous post. I am thankful so for my church friend Nancy. The Louise to my Thelma. We have been around each other so much we are saying the same things at the same time now like I used to do with my best friends Genie and Penny. We make a great team. The Lord has trully blessed me with her.

One thing did bother me though this week.... A new family has two small girls. These girls hit their grandmother! This really bothers me. I know my eyes got big as saucers because I looked back at another young female church member. Her big eyes got even bigger than mine! Nancy is good at handling the kids in class. She teaches and I handle the craft parts. She will put a kid in the corner in time out in a NY minute and not bat an eyelash. Even with a parent or grandparent in the room. Witnessing these girl's behavior made me thankful I have such a good son. When we got home each night, he ask if there was more hitting.

You would think I had even art to last me for awhile, but when I get home, I still work on stuff. We had a blank left over from last night's craft I'll describe next. I did leaf vines with mine. I'll post a pic later. I am still taking photos daily of course. I drew so many leaves, I am thinking of decorating the house with leafy vines even though our living room is done in country blue! LOL My artwork literally on the walls. How cool would that be? Very.

Anna is in our class again this year. She is such a pretty little girl. She sort of reminds me of a blonde Miley Cyrus. She is so quiet. Yet when we give her a craft, she is like me... she marches to the beat of a different drummer. She does it her way and it is awesome. Last night they were using these things were you took a plastic tool and scraped the white part off an elephant or a zebra. There was a rainbow underneath when you did this technique. It is similar to what we did in elementary school where you colored half a shiney card with yellow and half orange then colored over them with black. Next you scraped a design into what you colored. This may have been too advanced for 3-4 year olds. We found out Anna is 6. Anna did just the opposite. She removed the background which left a rainbow. It really made the zebra pop. I was blown away. I took a pic of it, but have had no time to upload. I told her Anna's grandmother about how artistic she is away from visitors as not to hurt their feelings. Adding her parents need to encourage her in this direction. I just hope they do this, but Nancy is doubtful about this happening. If Anna came to our church regularly, I could encourage her. This just goes to show you that people have talents they are unaware of. I am so thankful I am aware of mine and use them!

Please keep my mom in your prayers as she has a bad cold and terrible cough. She won't go to the doctor. Because of this, my parents won't be attending VBS. Rhett will be in a puppet show tonight probably using a British accent. I am going to try to video tape it for them and us.

My best friend Genie's daughter Jena is engaged! She and Colby went to Chateau Elan near Atlanta, Ga. He got down on one knee and proposed. How romantic. Her ring is gorgeous. So happy for them. Genie knew and kept it a secret. Even from me. I don't know how. I know she was about to bust! There is nothing more exciting than a wedding.

Nancy and I will probably be bone tired after tomorrow night, the last night of VBS. We know we worked hard and it shows. We have THE best room. We put the most effort into it. Saturday I could participate in Market Days, but I may be too tired even though I could use the money. But "One day at a time" as my friend Genie says.

I almost forgot... I am thankful for the rains we had this week because it cooled things off somewhat.

I hope you have had as good week like I have had. Again I am most thankful for working air in my car. An answered prayer.

Well, I just discovered I am a day ahead of myself except for my Friend Nancie on the other side of the world! I will just have to wait til tomorrow to post this on Thankful Thursday! LOL No wonder I couldn't find anyone's posts!

Then today I came across this quote which seems appropriate...
"Our business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of ourselves--
to break our own records, to outstrip our yesterday by our today."
-Stewart B. Johnson-

I know I try to break my own records. I guess I compete with myself. Not sure if I win but who cares?

This morning on the way to work, I remembered a very funny memory from 1976...
Daddy had an Exchange Club convention in New Orleans. I was dating Gary back then. He went with us. This was around the time Halston, Liz Claiborne & Diane Von Fursteinberg all came out with their expensive jeans. We went inside a very swanky dept. store to get out of a downpour. For some reason we went all the way up to the top floor which was were the personnel offices were located. I guess Gary thought there was something else up there like maybe a restaurant. Once on the top, the elevator man was going to fix the elevator, but was not going back down! Gary said, "Oh, PLEASE take us down. This woman (my mom) has had 16 cocktails for breakfast and we have to get her back to the hotel!" My mom stood there with her mouth open. The man reluctantly let us go back down. We laughed so hard we cried. Momma said she was gonna give Gary a whippin'.

May you remember fond memories today. If you would like to share your thankfulness please go to Iris' place at the following...


Denise said...

Wow, sounds like a great week. Praise God for your husband being able to fix your cars air conditioner. Great job. Glad VBS went well. I am praying for you, and your sweet mom.

i said...

Hi Becky, thanks for coming by and your comforting words. Birds are such a wonderful messenger from God, isn't it?

I've always loved reading your posts! They are full of colours! You're a very talented artist for not only putting colours on paper but also into your writing!

So glad to hear your hubby fixed your car air-conditioner, especially when the weather is so hot now.

Hope the girls start behaving better. Makes you wonder why the adults allow that to happen. A neighbour of mine has 2 young kids who are always bawling and screaming when they don't get things their way. I can never fathom why the adults allow them to continue behaving like that. It can be nerve-wrecking just hearing all that screaming.

Keeping you and your mom in my prayers. Hope she gets well soon.

Rita T. said...

Praise God for your handy hubby!

Nancie said...

Hi Becky,

Thank God for blessing you in so many ways! Husbands are so precious, aren't they :) Glad you have a husband who can do just about anything. It's sad to know about the new family whose girls hit their grandmother. That is very terrible. Hope they will realize their mistakes and not do it away. I am praying for your dear mother. May the Lord restore her speedily. I like the quote you shared. Very meaningful. Thanks for sharing the fond memories with us. Thank God for giving you fond memories of time with loved ones. Thanks for your visit and encouragements. You are always very encouraging. Thanks for being apart of my blogging life too. Blessings to you. May you have a great weekend too.

Warm regards,

becky aka theRAV said...

Yes, Denise I did have a great week. And yes, praise God for my hubby too! Thanks for your prayers. You are so sweet.

becky aka theRAV said...

Hi Serendipity! Thank YOU for coming by with your words which made my day. Yes, birds are wonderful messengers from God. I am so glad you like reading my posts. Thank you for that and thank you for what you said about my post. No one has ever said that before about them being so colorful. Cool! I will cherish that always. I am so glad he fixed my car a/c too. Well, the grandmother wasn't there last nite so there was no hitting. Uncontrollable kids tend to get on my last nerve. LOL Thanks for your prayers for my mom. She IS better!

becky aka theRAV said...

Yes, Rita T., Praise God for my handy hubby!

becky aka theRAV said...

Yes, Nancie, thank God for blessing me in so many ways. I think the good Lord heard your prayers of a speedy recovery for my mom because she IS better. Thank you for your prayers. Glad you liked the quote. Yes, I am so thankful for my many, many fond memories I have. May I always be able to remember them. So glad I can be of encouragement for you as you are for me.

becky aka theRAV said...

I am trully blessed by each of you who visited and commented on my TT blog post yesterday and today. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every word. Serendipity, you have given me another idea... to use colorful words in a piece of art! LOL

i said...

Becky, you are a blessing to me too! So glad to hear you're inspired and your creative juice is busy at work now :-)

Have a blessed week ahead!

becky aka theRAV said...

Serendipity I am so glad that I am a blessing to you. I am thankful for ALL that inspires me and my creative juices are flowing. Long may they continue... Blessings back at ya!

mrsnesbitt said...

A good saying there one I must remember!

becky aka theRAV said...

Thanks Mrs. Nesbitt. Good to "hear" from you again! WOW! Your visit made my day today. Yet another thing to be thankful for. Thanks for stopping by.

becky aka theRAV said...

Hi DiXymiss! Great to hear from you too! What a pleasant surprise. My 1st gift of today. Thank YOU for stopping by & commenting.

Jo said...

Well look...! There you are...!


