Sunday, November 16, 2008

What is This Odd Shot?


I bet you will never guess what this Odd Shot is...? Rhett and I were in the dollar store on Saturday where they have put out all their holiday stuff including plastic bowls and serving dishes with cut designs in the bottoms of them. So I picked one up and looked through it. It reminded me of a kalediscope. Naturally I reached for my handy camera in my purse and took several shots knowing it would make a great Odd Shot. I liked this one best out of all of them. Those are mult-colored bows in the background.

I also used up another memory card. 705 on this one, but I will be removing two of them. That is 703 pictures since the Labor Day weekend. How many photos have you taken lately? How many are in your camera right now?

I also purchased a red plastic bowl thinking I could use it as a filter for taking photos to give them a nice rosey tint. I haven't tried it yet and if it doesn't work, I figure I have a holiday bowl for chips or whatever so I didn't really waste my money. Justifying here. Or I could give it my mom. Or as a gift to someone else. Maybe add some fruit to go inside it. I love the dollar store. Who knew it would inspire me so much and give me an Odd Shot?

If you would like to participate in Odd Shot Monday, please go to the following...
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Jo said...

That's a beautiful shot, and I have no idea what it is. It's obviously Christmas decorations of some sort? Hmmmmm.....

I would like to see your pictures you took (the before and after) of the tree.

Have a great week at work. :-)

PERBS said...

Would never have guessed it. . . it is fun experimenting tho!

I don't understand about filling your cards. . . don't you dump them on computer or make a CD at Walgreens or some camera place and re-use your cards? I have 5 cards that I just keep using over and over -- the one holds only 14 photos and came with the camera. Most of my photos are on computer -- more than 20,000 again. I have to put them on CDs -- the ones I want to save.

dot said...

Hi Becky! I like your colorful odd shot and never would have guessed what it was.

becky aka theRAV said...

Thanks, Jo! I am glad you thought it was beautiful. After I saw it on the blog, it looked kinda dark. There were bows in the background. There was on tree. LOL Yes, Paulie, it is funny experienting and playing. No, I have not made any cd's yet. I have gotten too pickie. I like the way I crop them in Picasa but have been having problems downloading them to Walmart muchless making a cd but I will keep trying. I'll get caught up in this computer age one of these days... LOL Hi Dot! Well, I guess I did good since no one could guess what it was.

becky aka theRAV said...

There was no tree, Jo.

Hilda said...

That is so cool!

My Odd Shot is A slight disconnect.

becky aka theRAV said...

Hi DiXymiss! Yes, it was fun. No one was able to guess what it was.
Thanks for stopping by. Good to "hear" from you again. Thanks Hilda. I will check your's out.

Dragonstar said...

Fun! Dollar stores can be great places to browse.

becky aka theRAV said...

Amen to that, Dragonstar!