Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow Thanks!

Well, it was another busy week or so for me as always. Rhett has been sick and not
improving so I am NOT thankful for that! He had a band concert last week and was asked
to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. It brought tears to my eyes. He did a fine job. We were so proud of him. We were thankful for this small blessing.

My best friend Genie has been snowed in up in Alexandria, Va. Snow was predicted her
in Georgia and Alabama on Friday so I stocked up Thursday evening just in case we
should get snowed in. Friday was my Daddy 85th birthday. Another blessing we were
thankful for. The snow came as predicted. I got off early in time to go get Rhett from
school. We went to Dinglewood to get a scrambled dog which we had not eaten in a long
while. I was having a bad hair day, but blamed it on the snow! LOL Of course I would see two high school classmates. One looked perfect even though she had melted snow
droplets on her hair and the longest eyelashes. I stopped and took some pictures of the snow on the way to mom’s. I got her blooming scarlet red camellias with snow on them which I will upload one of these days.... We so enjoyed our slow ride home in the snow. It was a winter wonderland in the south.

Once we were home Rhett was having a fit to go out in the snow. I, being a bad mom
wasn’t going to let him since he’d been so sick. His Daddy made him put on two pairs of pants, a pair of his old boots on top of shoes and we let him get out in the snow since it rarely snows here. Although it has been less than a year since the last big snow. Don rolled up the bottom part of the snowman for him while I took pictures. I had on one of Don’s big coats with a hood. Rhett said I did my evil little gleeful laugh I do when I take a really good picture.

My parents decided they didn’t want to get out in the cold and snow to go eat for Daddy’s birthday. We waited until the sun came out the next day to go to Red Lobster to celebrate. It is sad to take pics of my Daddy because he is showing his age, but I took them anyway to mark this blessed event.

Friday night, I learned our preacher wife’s Katherine’s brother Fred passed away. I said, “Oh, No!” on the phone. My guys knew something was wrong with someone, they just
didn’t know who. When I got off the phone, my sweet son fell down on his knees and
immediately began praying for K. Please keep her in your prayers.

I uploaded some of my snow pics & sent the best ones out first then got ready to go to Red Lobster. Later I was meeting my friend Nancy at church to decorate for our Valentine’s Day fellowship meal. Carolyn brought some neat things to add to the tables. She had strands of fake pearls. On the smaller, round tables, we made heart shapes out of the pearls. The mosaics we made were too heavy to hang so they were placed on the tables to be enjoyed in hopes no food was dropped on them.

Afterwards that evening we went back to my folks’ so we could give Daddy his presents.
I’d gotten a small heart shaped cake for him. Rhett wanted to be all grown up and like the one matching candle as well as cut the cake. We had cake and ice cream which was good and hit the spot. We were thankful for this special moment in time.

Sunday we enjoyed the Valentine’s Day fellowship meal until one of our favorite older
members fell and hit her head. Luckily we have a nurse who held her bleeding head while the EMT’s were called. Theopal is ok now, but it was very upsetting to all of us. I am a bit selfish... I do not want to lose any of our members nor family members. We are thankful Theopal will be okay.

After church we took Valentine’s stuff to my folks. When we left Rhett didn’t feel like going back to church. We he says this, I know he doesn’t feel well. He was off for President’s Day so Mom took him back to his doc but they refused to give him any more scripts so I am not a happy mom! He is still no better. Mom is taking him to an acute care place they go to after school today. So please keep Rhett in your prayers that he will get better soon! Thanks.

My friend Darryl from high school sent me his snow pics that made mine look dull in
comparison. So beautiful. He didn’t do it to make me feel bad. He trusts my eye far better than his! Darryl had also e-mailed earlier to say he had a really good day last week where everyone was so nice to him everywhere he went. It was just an amazing day for him. If only we all could have many days like that. It made me notice that people are nicer. People speak more especially since 9/11. People will speak to me and I reply in kind. Rhett will ask if I know them and I don’t.

Then there is Illy.... Yesterday it was quite obvious she is just the opposite with all of her snide comments directed at me which are really laughable. One of the counselors took up for me because she was saying I was the only person who had a notebook full of menus at work. What is wrong with that? Even the counselor said she herself had a lot of them. I didn’t think it was a crime. I am thankful for my friends who stick up for me.

I am thankful for the Reba McIntire top I bought on sale this week! It is so me! What areyou thankful for? What to share? Then join us at Iris'... at

Mr Linky is not working for me!

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