Thursday, April 7, 2011


I guess I am a rebel. I don't always do things they way others do things. I have my own way of doing things. I don't always follow the instructions. I try to figure things out on my own which isn't always best I know. I guess that is one reason why I love art so much... no one can tell me I am doing it wrong or that I made a mistake except me. Well, they probably could but... that doesn't mean I would necessarily change my art. LOL Although I am very thankful for the job I have, I wish I had a more artistic job, but then I would probably have to still please someone other than myself. Life is hard for me now trying to please and take care so many people. I am still trying to be the good daughter, the good wife and the good mother. By being the good daughter, I have to let my family slide sometimes so I have not been the good wife and mother, but I am doing the best I can.

Yesterday on the way to work, I asked the Lord to give me something to say to Rhett's Bible class last night. First, I heard another inspirational message by Dr. Hal Brady of St. Luke United Methodist Church in Columbus, Ga on the radio for which I was thankful. His message was about a man who climbed a mountain, but got lost on that mountain. The man stated he didn't believe in God. When asked why, he said, "Because God didn't rescue him." Instead the town's people rescued him. DUH! Who did he think sent the town's people? Dr. Brady said we tend to let the world or people rescue us and not God. I know I tend to let others rescue me at times rather than God. I am thankful I heard this message so next time God can rescue me.

Secondly, I use an on line Christian service that sends me emails of ideas to teach 1year olds up to 11 year olds. My son is approaching his 13th year. I realize some of the activities and craft projects are too immature for him and his Bible study class. The theme I read yesterday was FROG (Forever Rely on God) which is pretty popular and perhaps overused. The craft project was to take paper bags, draw frogs and put eyes on them so the kids would remember what FROG stands for.

I had to work late. I had no paper bags much less wiggly eyes to glue on the nonexistent bags. I had to get gas then go to 2 different stores to get things for my folks as well as fish food for Rhett's fish. I had forgotten this item for days! So much for being a good fish mom! In a tired moment, I even told Rhett I had too many people to look after besides fish! I had to go by mom's, drop off the groceries and get Rhett. Needless to say we were late to church. There was this nagging voice in the back of my head saying, "Don't go. Just go on home. You are tired." But I ignored that Satanic voice and we went on to church anyway. Better late than not at all. I am thankful we went now.

This left me little time for my lesson, but I stood up and began. They knew FROG stood for something about God. They got the Forever part. I finally had to tell them as all their R guesses were becoming nerve-racking. So I told them R was for Rely. One girl wanted to talk about her problems with her boyfriend. I think they tend to see me as their friend or one of the girls and not their teacher so I have to remind them that I am the adult here teaching a class.

I told them about the FROG project. If they wanted to make this craft, we could do it another time. I told them often the 1st thing I do is call my mom, Don or my best friends when I have a problem or I email them. I know I should talk it over with the Lord first and not with others. I need to Fully Rely on God more myself so this was a lesson for me as well. I was thankful for this lesson.

I told them of Dr. Hal Brady's message of the morning. One girl said, "But you didn't you say he was Methodist?" Yes, yes I did. "Isn't what he says not the truth?" I had to bit my tongue. I would never say what he says is not true. Sadly the Church of Christ is against denominational churches. I had to tell her he was not saying anything scriptural; just telling a story that had a point to it. This is not the 1st time she has challenged me about what I say or do. There was nothing wrong with what he said. I had to stand my ground. But they all got that God did rescue the man by sending the people. Some even agreed God sent His angels to the lost man.

Then I told them about a wounded sheriff's officer in West Virginia that we needed to pray for and that we should make him a get well card. Of course they wanted to hear all the gory details about the shooting. Rhett was doing the sound effects of a guns going off. I told him to stop. The girls thought he sounded realistic which encouraged him to continue. I told him if he didn't stop, I'd make him stand outside the door! I told them the officer has a humble family with him that when asked what they needed, they say nothing. Other sheriff's departments are gathering donations for his family. This man is determined to walk again.

I asked them what they were supposed to remember...
First, they said too pray for the wounded officer which was excellent although I was still focused on FROG. Then they said, "Don't talk to your Momma first, talk to God." They learned well, my students. So did I. You can learn a lot from teaching. Your students can also teach you. I am thankful I am still able to learn new things.

I am thankful for the blessing my parents received this week when least expected. Things happen in God's time not our's.

We will be celebrating our 17th anniversary this weekend. Ironically today I received an invoice which had a stamp which had wedding bands on it! LOL

If you would like to participate in Thankful Thursday by sharing your blessings and thankfulness with Lynn and the rest of us, please go to the following...
I am thankful to be among you today. Lynn, I hope to meet you someday too and as you said, "Hopefully this side of heaven first."


Judy said...

How true that we can learn from our students. I worked in a faith-based homeless shelter for a couple of years, and I was ministered to by the residents every day! Have a blessed week.

becky aka theRAV said...

Thank you, Judy for stopping by & commenting. I hope you have a blessed week also. I enjoyed your post about your walk. I felt myself there walking with you.

becky aka theRAV said...

Thanks, DiXyMiss for the anniversary blessings! And thank YOU for stopping by. It is always great to "hear" from you too. Thanks also for the well wishes. I wish the same for you.

Unknown said...


I hope we meet also this side of heaven and soon.

Loved your story and it's amazing that when I lead a study.... I am always the one who learns the most.

Love you girl. Love your heart and always love visiting your place. See you next week. Lynn

Unknown said...
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becky aka theRAV said...

Thanks so much Lynn! Lover you too! Glad you like visiting my place. I feel the same about your blog.

Nancie said...

Hi Becky,

Just want you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for you.

Thank you so much for your sweet note :) It's so good to hear from you. It makes my day :)

Take care and have a blessed week!

Warm regards,

becky aka theRAV said...

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers Nancie. You are very welcome for the note. Glad it made your day as your's did mine today. You have a blessed week too.