Sunday, February 6, 2011

Latest Abstract




This is the abstract that I worked on for months since October. I love the Iris in the center of it. Then the red flowers. I wasn't sure of the name of those. I asked my plant friends who drew a blank or said it was the wrong flower. I finally found them online but I forget the name now. I thought the train represented a train wreck. I am sure a shrink would have a field day with it. A friend said it is not a train wreck because it is coming towards me bringing me good things; good news like selling a piece of my art! I like her version of it. I have cropped out the yellow snowman. Didn't want comments like "Who peed on your snowman!" LOL I have garnered lots of compliments on this one from other local artists.

These were taken before I added flesh color to the faces with colored pencils. When I got it color copied, the flesh tones washed out so it looked like this again. LOL
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Paulie said...

Certainly a lot to look at in this one! I am sad you would crop out a snowman BUT don't know why you would even make a yellow one. . .

becky aka theRAV said...

It just came out yellow. Sorry it made you sad. I forgot you like snowmen.