Friday, December 15, 2006

My Ink Runneth Over....

Ok. I'm gonna try to play catch up on this blog... Back on 11/29/06, I wrote:

Perhaps I should Inform Susannah of Ink on My Fingers that my ink runneth over... I left a neon yellow highlighter near my Officer Attendance Rosters and it made a stain as if I'd spilled a drop of yellow mustard on them. Today I discovered in my desk drawer at work, a BIG red blot on some of my check stubs. I must have left the top off my red flair pen again. Was I literally sending out a red flair? To what and to whom? It looks like a giant drop of red blood the size of a large strawberry. It went through 3 check stubs. And I thought I was through with my periods! = ) LOL Guess I was just adding a little color to my work.

Quote of the day:

Write 20 poems and have them bound in leather. -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.-

My friend Mike E sent me this on 11/25/06:

Expressions of Gratitude

For the rise and set of the sun each day I am thankful.
For the bounty and beauty of mother earth I am thankful.
For the home where the heart of the family resides I am thankful.
For enduring devotion of steadfast friendships I am thankful.
For the pages of memories in my book of time I am thankful.
For the setting aside of an eminent day to gather in love, to pause to say:
"I am grateful for the abundance of blessings in my life."
I am thankful.
~Terri McPherson~
(Thanks, Mike.)

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